A tough weekend

It certainly seems like summer is over now! I’ve packed away the garden furniture, turned our leftover home grown tomatoes into chutney (which is absolutely delicious by the way – tomato, red onion, chilli, paprika, cardamom) and mown the lawn for possibly the last time this year. 

It’s been a tough weekend actually. My parent’s have been to visit, and as many readers will know from my recent blog series on dementia, sadly my Mum has Alzheimers. If you haven’t read those posts, please do take a look back at them in the members area. I expect everyone will know someone who has been affected by this awful disease, and if you haven’t, you almost certainly will in the future. The numbers are going up, and in my posts, I discuss the risks and how we can best mitigate them at the current time. There is a lot of promising research, but until we find a cure, certain lifestyle measures are the best we have. It’s one of the reasons that I am so passionate about healthy living, and why I look at all the science around habit changing. I want to minimise my own chance of developing dementia, and if I can help others in the process that would be fantastic. My Mum now has awful delusions, and is entirely dependent on my Dad for daily living. It’s so very sad.

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